Of LIfe!
Chapter 1
Isn't it funny? We all think we live for a bigger and better purpose and that we need to get there as soon as we can. Time's running out, run! Maybe the bigger picture exists, maybe it doesn't. That's the surprise for you to explore which you shouldn't be hasty to find out because life will ultimately reveal it to you when it's time. Without the surprise, what would you live for? With it, what more remains to live for? So let it sit somewhere in the graph of your life and enjoy the moments now for if you skip, you're never getting there and you don't have the option to time travel and live these moments again, do you?!
Of moments.
We live for the people in our lives, people who have been there since the beginning and those we'll eventually meet along the way. Some will stick to us for long and some...will just leave. And with them comes the beauty of life- moments! Moments that will become memories and memories that will become our purpose to live for. So don't you dare hurry to get to the conclusion , the bigger picture! Life indeed is like a movie but a complicated one thus, wanting to get to the conclusion in a haste will only shorten this precious story of yours and you wouldn't want your life to be short, do you? That is exactly why, you should keep living in these moments, keep collecting the memories and you'll definitely get to the bigger picture that you're destined for. Do you wanna know why? Well, see you in the next chapter.
Chapter 2
Hello there! Welcome back. I wasn't expecting you would come but here we are huh! Take a deep breath and just relax because it's gonna be a tedious ride. It's actually just a deep thought that I delved into for a while so take it with a pinch of salt okay? Isn't it overwhelming that we have millions of possibilities in the time and space graph on how our life is gonna turn out but surprisingly, we tend to move in that one specific direction as if the dots were plotted on our graph way before we even reached that particular time and space frame. While discussing this, it reminds me of the Steve Job's speech where he talked about connecting the dots and also of the amazing movie by Christopher Nolan- Interstellar. Just a quick walk-through, the protagonist of the movie mentioned about this quote unquote THEY that actually is an unknown entity that the movie doesn't tell us about. This unknown entity guides him and his daughter to discover the solution of the problem that they were facing. Let's say he was destined to solve the issue. That was his purpose. He was the chosen one like our dear Harry Potter! Fast forward to the point where he reaches the multi-dimensional space and discovers that time is no more unidirectional there and that accessing the layers of past, present, and the future of his and his daughter's life is posssible, he himself becomes the THEY that he mentioned earlier because this time it was him who was guiding his daughter to ultimately succeed in solving the crisis and hence, fulfilling his purpose.
Let's get back to the dots on the graph of our life. Who plots them on the graph? You, me, the unknown entity? Combining these two concepts we could almost say that just like Schrodinger's cat- a thought experiment that tells us that an entity can be both alive and dead at the same time until observed, doesn't it feel like we ourselves are the unknown entity who's plotting the dots on the graph of our life, directing ourselves to a certain path and not the other, guiding ourselves to make choices that'll get us where we want to and are supposed to be for the choices we make are gonna influence our position in the time and space graph. So maybe, in a parallel universe, a multi-dimensional space, either we ourselves are the entity or our sub-conscious aligns with this unknown entity and perhaps that's how all the universe conspiring to help us achieve what we want like Paulo Coelho said works. Maybe the idea of manifestation only works when what we want aligns with what we're supposed to be. Our sub-conscious self has to align with the entity plotting the dots on our graphs or else how would all this work? We are THEM and THEY are us! It might sound more like a fantasy than anything scientific but who can say with absolute certainty that things we know is the only answer that's there? To be honest, we only know so little. Anyways, I warned you to take it with a pinch of salt in the beginning itself, didn't I?!
Of Purpose.
Want it or not, you're gonna live a unique story; your life. Want it or not, you're gonna live a unique life; your purpose. Your life is your purpose. They weren't kidding when they said- what you seek is seeking you!
Chapter 3
I don't know if I confused you or got you excited. If you're still here, maybe we're functioning on the same wavelength. So tell me, how long have you been looking for your life's purpose? We all make it seem like: if life is a story then our purpose is either the climax or the conclusion of that story. That makes all the other chapters of our life feel insignificant. If it was possible, you would certainly skip to the good part, no? Don't you think our life itself is our purpose?! We gotta live through each chapter, meet all the characters, and we can't skip any of it for we'll never get to the climax if we do! When the movie is exciting and full of surprises, do you enjoy watching the entire movie or just the climax and the conclusion? The answer is simple and you know it better than anyone else. So, how about living our life like living it is our sole purpose and let everything fall into its place eventually!
Of life.
Of all the moments that'll become the story of your life. Of all the memories that will live through you and perish with you. What's the point of it all if it's destined to perish, you might ask! Getting to live is the point, my friend. To all those people you come across and engage with in your lifetime, you're an external force put into play by the unknown entity to influence and get them to a specific position in the time and space graph, remember the universe conspires?! And it seems, the universe communicates as well, through each characters and events in our lives. You're a chapter or a character in someone else's story just like they are in yours. We can't live like one single entity for we're all entangled in this web of time and space. Some of us might influence lots of lives and the rest might make a difference to only few. But that doesn't make any story bigger and better than the rest. There's no comparison after all, we're just playing our roles. It might not look it but if you think of the greater picture, every life is unique and important. Your life is your purpose so live it to the fullest and fulfill your purpose!
The way you’ve woven together concepts from philosophy, movies, and personal insights creates a compelling narrative that encourages introspection and appreciation for the present.