
Of LIfe!

                                             Chapter 1 Isn't it funny? We all think we live for a bigger and better purpose and that we need to get there as soon as we can. Time's running out, run! Maybe the bigger picture exists, maybe it doesn't. That's the surprise for you to explore which you shouldn't be hasty to find out because life will ultimately reveal it to you when it's time. Without the surprise, what would you live for? With it, what more remains to live for? So let it sit somewhere in the graph of  your life and enjoy the moments now for if you skip, you're never getting there and you don't have the option to time travel and live these moments again, do you?! Of moments. We live for the people in our lives, people who have been there since the beginning and those we'll eventually meet along the way. Some will stick to us for long and some...will just lea...

Vaccine प्रश्नोत्तर (Q&A) नेपालीमा

१. Vaccine किन लगाउने? • व्यक्तिगत लाभ- हाम्रो शरीरको रोग प्रतिरोधात्मक शक्ति अर्थात immunity power विभिन्न अङ्ग, कोषिका, रसायन आदिमा भर पर्छ। सहज भाषामा भन्नुपर्दा, हाम्रो शरीरलाई रोगबाट बचाउने आर्मी हाम्रो रगतमा हुन्छ। भ्याक्सिनमा कीटाणु स्वयं नभएर त्यसको प्रतिलिपि अथवा dummy जस्तै केही हुन्छ भनेर बुझौं। जब vaccine लगाइन्छ तब हाम्रो शरीरको आर्मीले कहिल्यै नदेखेको कुनै विशेष रोगको कीटाणुलाई पहिलोपटक देख्छ। देखेपछि त्यस रोगको निवारणका लागि आफूलाई ट्रेन गर्छ र बिस्तारै त्यो कीटाणुलाई मार्ने शक्ति विकाश गर्छ। अब भने त्यस रोगको साँच्चैको जीवाणु सँग कुनैदिन हाम्रो जम्का भेट भए हाम्रो शरीरको आर्मीले सहजै चिनेर अझ द्रुत गतिमा रोग निको पार्न सक्छ।  • सामाजिक लाभ- यदि कुनै समाजमा ७०-८०% जति जनसंख्याले भ्याक्सिन लगाएमा बाँकी रहेका कारणवश भ्याक्सिन लगाउन नपाउने अथवा लगाउन नहुनेहरुले पनि रोग बाट सुरक्षा पाउँछन्।  यसलाई मेडिकल भाषामा हर्ड इम्युनिटी (herd immunity) भनिन्छ। जब देशभरी भ्याक्सिन लगाउनेको प्रतिशत त्यति पुग्छ अनि मात्र हामी पहिलेजस्तै हिँडडुल गर्न सक्छौं सामान्य दिनचर्या सुरु ग...

MBBS in Bangladesh- Criteria and Process

  Eligibility criteria to apply:  SEE or equivalent examination passed not before 2017 (applicable for the session 2020-21, it'll change for new session accordingly) +2 or equivalent examination passed not before 2019 (applicable for the session 2020-21, it'll change for new session accordingly) Minimum aggregate GPA in SEE or equivalent (plus) +2 or equivalent= 8.00 (scholarship) Minimum aggregate GPA in SEE or equivalent (plus) +2 or equivalent= 7.00 (Paying) Minimum GPA either in SEE or equivalent or in +2 or equivalent= 3.5 Minimum GPA in biology= 3.5 ( minimum 59.5%)   How to calculate GPA? Calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in SEE or equivalent: Consider marks obtained in top 5 subjects only (subjects in which you have scored higher marks).  GPA in SEE or equivalent = (sum of Grade point of top five subjects) ÷ 5  Calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in +2 or equivalent: Consider marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry and Biology only....